Tailored Investment Advice
Specialists In Portfolio Construction
Income Growth Advisors, LLC client process tailors an investment strategy to meet your investment profile. We evaluate your financial situation, risk tolerance and special circumstances to develop a portfolio strategy to designed fit your risk profile and investment objectives.
For individual investors, we review your age, income, assets, special needs, and discuss your investment objectives and risk tolerances. We create an investment policy statement within our Investment Advisory Contract which we both sign.
Institutional investors have written investment policy statements which are memorialized in the investment advisory contract (IAC). Income Growth Advisors, LLC offers sub-advisory services for investment professionals like Registered Investment Advisors who seek to offer our services to their clients. We can provide bespoke strategies to leverage our skill sets for hedge funds, foundations, and pensions.
MLP Strategies
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Tyson Halsey has been investing in MLPs for over 20 years. MLPs offer four unique characteristics: high yields, high distribution growth, tax advantaged distributions, and stable businesses. IGA offers a range of strategies to leverage the unique investment profile of MLPs.
Midstream MLPs are FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated natural monopolies. Income Growth Advisors, LLC, believes MLPs are outstanding retirement income vehicles due to high tax advantaged yields, high distribution growth, and stable business models. MLPs can provide consistently high returns, but due to their sensitivity to the commodity cycle, MLPs can experience periods of poor performance.

Institutional Strategies
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IGA offers sub advisory management for RIAs. IGA also invests for family offices and institutional investors.
IGA offers MLP strategies and a range of quantitative strategies through Portfolio123. These institutional strategies include aggressive or conservative quantitative equity strategies.
Tailored Investment Solution Examples
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Superior Income Strategy
Income is critical to many investors, especially retired investors. Finding attractive income yields has been particularly difficult in the low interest rate environment since the 2008 financial crisis, when the Federal Reserve artificially lowered its Fed Fund rate to support the economy creating a decade of abnormally and artificially low interest rates. Further, when seeking higher yield investments, there is always the risk that a particular issuer may cut that high yield.
Hedge Concentrated Stock Positions
One of Income Growth Advisor, LLC’s most valuable tailored solutions is for executives with concentrated stock positions. By structuring an option strategy to hedge a concentrated stock position through Interactive Brokers–with the industry’s lowest margin rates*–we can use the added borrowing capacity to invest in a diversifying income portfolio such as an MLP portfolio.