We have been in touch with an iconic West coast billionaire who read our email. This is what we wrote to him. We suggested investing “$10,000,000–we could lock in about 30% income or $3,000,000 a year in income. Then, in a year, you could have $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 which you could gift to your favorite charity.” We then thought he should invest $20,000,000 give away half in a year or so worth $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 and keep the other generating the about $3,000,000 a year for living expenses.
He has yet to call; however, market disruptions create extraordinary valuation opportunities, and this is a scenario we have capitalized on before and a space we have been focused on for nearly twenty years. This idea has compelling merit and it will work for smaller amounts too.